Assignment Instructions/ Description
Throughout the semester you are required to complete 2 thorough article critiques. This assignment will assist you in developing your skills in both reading and critiquing literature. You will read and critique a peer reviewed article of your choice. For this assignment, you will critique a scientific paper (peer-reviewed journal article). Use theinformation below to help complete this assignment. You MUST choose a peer-reviewed article of your choice, relative to recreation or sport.
Formatting (5pts): Word, 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, 1� margins
You need to provide feedback on the following components:
Abstract (5pts)
o After reading the paper thoroughly, does the abstract present an accurate
representation of what was done in the study?
Introduction (5pts)
o What was the main purpose of the study?
o Was there a testable mentioned, or inferred?
o Did the rationale lead up to the purpose in an effective manner?
o Did the authors discuss the major significance of the study?
Methods (10 pts)
o What type of study design was used?
o Subject selection issues?
o Subject number, gender, age, etc?
o Randomization?
o Inclusion and exclusion criteria?
Results (10pts)
o Were the results presented in a logical fashion?
o Are the Tables and Figures helpful in understanding the results presented
in the text? If not, how could they be improved?
o Were there any findings presented that were not discussed in the methods
Conclusions/Discussions (5pts)
Overall general thoughts/comments (10pts)
Importance of
Originality of work
Writing style and presentation
Ethical concern