Assignment Instructions/ Description
Topic Choices for the Research Project
Choose one�of the following prompts to guide your project.
1) Use�The Importance of Being Earnest,�Harold Bloom�s �The Importance of Being Earnest� inBloom�s How to Write about Oscar Wilde�(starting on page 134), and one other peer-reviewed source to discuss one of the topics listed within inBloom�s chapter on�The Importance of Being Earnest. Your additional source may be about the play in particular or the Victorian era in general.
2) Use�Pygmalion,�Paul Bauschatz�s �The Uneasy Evolution of �My Fair Lady� from �Pygmalion�,� and Marcie Ray�s �My Fair Lady: A Voice for Change.��to discuss whether the changes that were made from�Pygmalion�to�My Fair Lady�were valid.� For this prompt, you do not need to find an additional source.
3) Use�The Taming of the Shrew,�Harold Bloom�s �The Taming of the Shrew� in�Bloom�s How to Write about Shakespeare�s Comedies�(starting on page 171), and one other peer-reviewed source to discuss one of the topics listed within Bloom�s chapter about�The Taming of the Shrew. Your additional source may be about the in particular or the Elizabethan era in general.
4) Use�Richard III,�Harold Bloom�s �Richard III� in�How to Write about Shakespeare�s Histories(starting on page 234), and one other peer-reviewed source to discuss one of the topics listed within Bloom�s chapter about�Richard III. Your additional source may be about the play in particular or the Elizabethan era in general.
5) Use�Macbeth,�Harold Bloom�s �Macbeth� in�Bloom�s How to Write about Shakespeare�s Tragedies�(starting on page 152), and one other peer-reviewed source to discuss one of the topics listed within�Bloom�s�chapter about�Macbeth.