Assignment Instructions/ Description
Research: Create a bibliography of 10 books written by Black authors about Black people and electoral politics. It can include biographies and autobiographies as well as scholarly studies.
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Part 1� 500 words
What did you learn about US and Black Civil Rights from the research of BEO over 110 years 1865 � 1975?
Part 2 1000 words:� Discuss the demands and program of the National Black Agenda. Write about your reaction to the reading assigned in the book �Black Power�.
Part 3 1000 words: Choose 2 BEO from different eras and write 1000 words on two BEO, their background, how you would describe their politics, why do you think they were elected and any outstanding accomplishments in .
Part� 500 words: What did this research make you think about Black participation in US political life today. In two or three sentences state your findings on BEO 1865-1975. Then choose 3 BEO from different eras (ex. 1920, 1950, 1975) and discuss the cultural, economic, social and political conditions that existed when they ran for and won political office.
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