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Summative Assessment: Senior Living Facility Report

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Answer preview to Summative Assessment: Senior Living Facility Report

Summarizerelevant demographic characteristicsof your chosen late adulthoodclientele (e.g., age, ethnicity, income, education, marital status, languages spoken, religious affiliations, etc.) Enter your response on a new line The selected late adulthood population is African American older adults. By 2019, the number of African �Americans above the age of 65 years was 4,979,133 (ACL, 2020). Notably, that number is expected to grow by 13% by the year 2060. In terms of education, by 2020, 81% of this population had attained a high school diploma, while 22% had acquired a bachelor's degree. Regarding marital status, by 2020, 38% of

Last Updatd: 09 Aug,2023