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Details: Psychology Theories of personality

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a PART ONE Pee fable Citation Summary and Applicability to Your Project �Additional Notes Freud, S., & Chase, H. W. (1925). The origin and development of psychoanalysis. In Signnund Freud's lectures at Clark University, 1910, Clark University, Worcester, Ma, US; These five lectures were delivered by Freud at Clark University. The lectures were translated fiom the German by Harry W. Chase �and revised by Freud,, Modem Library. �nttps://,1037/113 a ~The article outlines psychoanalysis� development and origin through Dr. Breuer and Sigmund Freud. It gradually draws the audience into how Freud�s interest in working with people and understanding their different problems came about after watching Breuer interact with his patients. Itrecognizes the distinctions between the two theorists� theories �on hysteria, where Breuer focused primarily on psychic trauma as the causal factor while Freud Pe rare rare Ttis aprimary source that can help understand psychoanalytic examination findings on how individuals� wishes contribute to sensual impulses, thus manifesting in the way they behave. Based on Freud's idea of psychoanalysis �and sexual conflict as a key factor in psychodynamics, the turbulence ina person's sensual compass influences several mental conditions.

Last Updatd: 09 Aug,2023