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Create a patient educationbrochure for an imaginary patient in a primary care clinic about how to manage anxiety and depression.

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Answer preview to Create a patient educationbrochure for an imaginary patient in a primary care clinic about how to manage anxiety and depression.

Depression encompasses any feeling of sadness that persists for a prolonged period, occasionally impacting how one conducts themselves and performs their daily activities. Anxiety is defined as the expectation of an imagined or actual threat or need for concern in the future (Boehnlein etal, 2020). Mostly linked to avoidant conduct, muscle tension, and being watchful for vawene ae Examples of Anxiety . Separation Anxiety Disorder Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Social Phobia . Specific Phobias. Anxiety as a result ofa health condition Panic disorder . Agoraphobia�avoiding situations or areas that result into panic SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS �Sweatis Tense/restlessness Elevated heart rate Developing a sense of imminent panic Trembling Challenges in control one�s ability to worry. Sleeping difficulties Concentration issues

Last Updatd: 09 Aug,2023