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The IEP is a federally mandated document

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TEP Goals (Measurable IEP goal based on the �assessment data provided in the PLAAFP) �Action Steps (To.achieve each identified goal) Family Involvement (How Dam and hic family will be imvohed in setting goals and monitoring Dan's progress) TDan will decode #-g 8 ade level words with accuracy by the ead of the school year. T Provide Dan with explict mstruction oa decoding strategies, imcluding (but not limited to) sounding out words, identifying prefixes suffixes, and root words, and using context ch 2Increase Dan's independent reading level fom 2nd grade to 4th gradeover the school, T.Dan and kis fauily should be mvelved developing the IEP goal and the action steps. should helpset goals and = tohelp Dan 2.They should also monitor Dan�s progress gel ploeke suppurty belp bina ayo track.

Last Updatd: 09 Aug,2023