Assignment Instructions/ Description
Instructions:�Submit an annotated bibliography including 5 academic/peer-reviewed sources in APA format. Annotations should be approximately 100-300 words in length (one paragraph) and should include the following information:
- A brief summary of the source
- The source�s strengths and weaknesses
- Its conclusions
- Why the source is relevant to your project about:�Critical race theory should be taught in all public schools
- Its relationships to other studies in the field of Communication.�Here are some sources I used for my paper
Affairs, C. (n.d.). Why critical race theory should be taught in ? current affairs. Current Affairs.��
Cabrera, N. L. (2018). Where is the racial theory in critical race theory?: A constructive criticism of the critics.�The Review of Higher Education,�42(1), 209-233.
LRIRE. (2022, March 29). Yes, critical race theory should be taught in your school: Undoing racism in K�12 schooling and classrooms through CRT. UCLA Law Review.��
Morgan, H. (2022). Resisting the movement to ban critical race theory from schools.�The clearing house: a journal of educational strategies, issues and ideas,�95(1), 35-41.
Requirements: 5 annotated bibliography�s