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Individual And Family Development Across The Life Span

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Answer preview to Individual And Family Development Across The Life Span

Playroom Design Playroom Toys Cultural AwarenessDiversity Considerations 1. Educational Toys Puzzles, flashcards, �Deiirrcon sald ogres Ges construction sets, and board games can 1. Utilizing culturally appropriate materials and toys in the aieaiy diss totaal oe eat � all help children learn skills such as playroom that represent the diversity of the children and ieee pect sa eating maton families that use the facility inthe space at once 2. Art Supplies - Coloured pencils, Soft, calming colours should be used on cae tibet int pleas 2.Ensuring the playroom is accessible and inclusive to all the walls, such as pastels, to create a chinden cxpkess thelr creativiy sail children, including those with physical disabilities or special peaceful atmosphere and encourage imagination. needs.

Last Updatd: 02 Aug,2023