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Patient Preference and Satisfaction in Hospital-at-Home and Usual Hospital Care for COPD Exacerbations

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�Article Citation �Article T �Article 2 andPermalink �_| Haron. Y.. Levy. S., Albagli, M King-Shier, K., Mather, C., & LeBlanc, P (APA format) Rotstein, R., &Riba, S. 2013). Why do (2013). Understanding the influence of urban- nursing students not want to workin orrural-living on cardiac patients� decisions geriatric care? A national questionnaire about diet and physical activity: Descriptive survey. International Journal of Nursing _| decision modeling. International Journal of Studies, 30(11), 1558-1565 Mursing Studies, 50(11), 1513-1523. ttps:// jjmurstu.2013.03.01 | ttps:/ ijmurstu.2013.03.003 2 tae

Last Updatd: 02 Aug,2023