Assignment Instructions/ Description
This assignment supports the following objective:
Compare and contrast quality improvement and service management plans.
For Week 3, complete the following in your Leadership Portfolio:�
Organizational development includes of quality improvement�(QI)�initiatives.�In a concise paragraph, explain how a leader can effectively support QI initiatives, particularly when there is push-back from employees. Address specific elements of your leadership style that you will cultivate to be�most effective in a situation like this.�
Briefly define emotional intelligence.�Discuss how you intend to strengthen your emotional intelligence, in the context of healthcare organization .�
Provide three (3) tools or strategies for helping employees develop emotional intelligence and trust within teams. These may be assessment tools, courses, or internal development programs.�Explain the value of each.�Provide actual resources with links to access in your references.�
Note: if a�resource�you choose�has a fee associated, simply link to the main information page. You are not required to purchase anything for the purposes of this assignment.�
Writing in third person is ideal and generally expected. However, it is acceptable to use first person if you are describing personal or first-hand experience.��
Provide a minimum of three references, in APA style, on the page following your content for Week 3.