Assignment Instructions/ Description
Kesha Burch
1/26/23, 12:36 AM NEW
Hello Class,
I wanted to share an awesome resource for the Centers of Disease Control that helps parents, caregivers, and helping professionals identify significant milestones in early childhood. The website has checklists that parents can use to follow their child�s growth and development. Early intervention is so important, so the sooner parents are able to identify challenges or delays the better. Parents having the information that they need to identify concerns is important, as is helping professionals like teachers, doctors, and counselors impressing on parents what they should be on the lookout for.
The website also features an app that parents can download to keep up with the milestone tracking in a convenient format. Many of the milestones listed have explanatory video or photographs to further illustrate the competency most young children achieve at a given age. If you have a moment please visit the website for the CDC�s Developmental Milestones. What do you think of this resource? How could you use this resource in your role as a professional ? Why do you think the Center�s for Disease Control and Prevention would publish such a website?
Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. (2022, December). CDC�s Developmental Milestones. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
I need a 175 words to this.
Paper Format: APA